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Fig. 4 | Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

Fig. 4

From: Sex differences and considerations for female specific nutritional strategies: a narrative review

Fig. 4

Application for a 38-year-old female whose primary goal is weight loss. She is 161.5 cm tall and currently weighs 86.4 kg, which places her in the obese category based on a BMI of 33 kg/m2. Her current goal weight is 77 kg, which would ultimately reduce her BMI to 29.6 (overweight). Using the Harris-Benedict equation, her basal metabolic rate (BMR) was determined to be approximately 1580 kcal/day. Considering she is moderately active; her total daily energy expenditure was approximately 2175 kcal/day by multiplying BMR by an activity coefficient of 1.375. Because her goal is weight loss, her calorie intake has been reduced by 10% to ultimately reach a hypocaloric intake of 1960 kcal/day during her follicular phase. Because energy expenditure is increased by 2.5–11% in the luteal phase, her energy balance requirement of 2175 kcal/day was increased by 5% for a baseline intake of 2285 kcal/day. Similarly, this value was reduced by 10% (2056 kcal/day) in order to ensure a caloric deficit for weight loss. A potential macronutrient distribution for weight loss was set at 40% carbohydrates (~ 2.4 g/kg), 30% protein (~ 1.8 g/kg), and 30% fat (~ 0.8 g/kg), which was utilized in designing the follicular proposed meal plan. As a result of increased protein and fat oxidation during the luteal phase, which is accompanied by a desire to eat saltier and sweeter foods, this distribution was altered slightly to 36% carbohydrates, 32% protein, and 32% fat in the luteal phase [128]

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