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Table 1 Inclusion criteria for participants

From: Relationship between energy availability, energy conservation and cognitive restraint with performance measures in male endurance athletes




18–35 years

Performance level

Well trained; with VO2max 55–64.9 ml/kg/min; performance level 3 or more [13]


1. BMI 19–25 kg/m2; in normal range for adult males)

Body Fat Percentage

2. 5–20%

Health status

1. No acute disease or chronic disease in relapse (allowing only for chronic diseases that are stable and not affecting performance)

2. At the time of procedures be free of injuries and no injuries in previous three months that could affect performance

Additional criteria

3. Stable body mass for the last 12 months

4. Not undertaking any specific diet regime

5. At the time of procedures will refrain from alcohol consumption and any drug or other substance use

6. Complete all procedures and report any factors that could influence changes in blood values or performance (lack of motivation due to psychological factors, factors in between measurements that could influence results etc.)