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Table 2 Dietary intake, values are mean ± SD

From: The effect of acute vs chronic magnesium supplementation on exercise and recovery on resistance exercise, blood pressure and total peripheral resistance on normotensive adults


Chronic intervention

Acute intervention

Chronic placebo control

Acute placebo control


2513 ± 1201

2686 ± 938

3985 ± 519

3785 ± 734

CHO (g)

274 ± 170

296 ± 118

397 ± 209

343 ± 79

Fat (g)

96 ± 58

115 ± 49

114 ± 63

105 ± 48

Pro (g)

119 ± 38

114 ± 37

136 ± 66

129 ± 16

Mg2+ (mg)

375 ± 104

368 ± 173

551 ± 347

378 ± 79