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Table 3 Daily Averages in Training Data

From: Effects of chocolate milk consumption on markers of muscle recovery following soccer training: a randomized cross-over study

Baseline Training Period



Time (min)

85.1 ± 1.4

85.5 ± 1.4

RPE (6-20)

13.7 ± 0.3

13.8 ± 0.2

HR (bt/min)

143 ± 3.4

141 ± 3.3

Increased Training Duration


Time* (min)

95.5 ± 3.0

95.2 ± 1.4

RPE (6-20)

14.3 ± 0.4

13.8 ± 0.5

HR* (bt/min)

147 ± 3.0

143 ± 3.0

  1. Data reported are Mean ± SEM, averaged for Monday through Thursday of each training week. * = Significantly greater than baseline (p < 0.05)