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Table 1 Absolute and standardized differences (effect size) between trials for sprint measures during the RSA and LIST tests

From: Effect of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on multiple sprint performance


Absolute difference

Effect size

Percentage difference (90% confidence intervals)

Practical interpretation

RSA average sprint time (s)

0.016 (↑)


0.5 (± 3.2)


RSA fastest sprint time (s)

0.018 (↑)


0.8 (± 3.7)


LIST average sprint time (s)

0.022 (↓)


0.3 (± 2.4)


  1. Percentage change with 90% confidence intervals and practical interpretations of magnitude-based inferences are also shown.
  2. Note: Absolute differences are differences in mean. Upward (↑) and downward (↓) arrows represent whether the absolute difference is an improvement or decrement in performance when mouth rinsing CHO. Practical interpretations were considered unclear if 90% confidence intervals overlapped the smallest worthwhile change (0.8%).