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Fig. 2 | Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

Fig. 2

From: The effects of resistance training with or without peanut protein supplementation on skeletal muscle and strength adaptations in older individuals

Fig. 2

Myofibrillar protein synthesis rates following the first bout of training with or without PP supplementation. Legend: No differences between conditions existed for the leg extensor (panel a) or leg press (panel b) training volume during the first training bout. Saliva D2O enrichment increased from baseline V2 to V3 and V4 regardless of supplementation (panel c). Myofibrillar protein synthesis rates 24 h following the first exercise bout did not differ between PP and CTL participants (panel d). All data are presented as mean ± standard deviation values. Abbreviations: PP, peanut powder supplemented participants; CTL, non-supplemented participants

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